Protest at Home

Activists across the country are looking at creative new ways to take action for human rights, whilst we practice social distancing. Long-time member Kim tells us how she is continuing her human rights activism, from home.

Here is what she wrote:

This weekend my kids and I created a virtual protest in front of a virtual legislature, with LEGO! My son dug deep in his LEGO collection, finding figures; my daughter used her talent for exceedingly TINY printing to make up the protest signs. I cut up cotton swabs for handles and glued them to the tiny signs. We printed an old photo of the Alberta legislature I had on the computer. This is a pretty basic kids’ diorama, but we had so much fun putting it together! My oldest was even helpful with looking around on the internet for good slogans to use! What an educational opportunity for discussion of human rights and using our voices of dissent for change!

Together, we can make a difference for human rights, even when we’re apart during the COVID-19 crisis! Over the past few weeks of self-isolation, my local Amnesty group and I have been talking about ways to stay connected, and ways to continue our human rights advocacy. We may not be able to take our message to the streets, but we can still take ACTION!

Sharing creative visuals and activities might not seem like activism, but they inspire us all to keep thinking about protecting and defending human rights. Taking action online can be very powerful! Keep signing online petitions and writing letters; hold governments accountable for their policies.

During a crisis like COVID-19, governments sometimes implement measures without enough oversight or without end dates, so it’s important we stay vigilant!

Everything’s cancelled, except our commitment to human rights!

We’d like to see your creative at-home action tools too!

Strapped for ideas? Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Take a photo or virtual back drop of your legislature building, city hall or public space and create a protest of your own like Kim.  Don’t have Lego? Get creative with what you have around the house
  • Solidarity photo collage; pick a campaign and spell out a word or a phrase
  • Join our many free and easy to use Amnesty Academy courses, offered in several different languages
  • Take a photo with a hand made sign, similar to our current campaign for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day  
  • Post uplifting, solidarity messages on your window for neighbours to see

Find more ideas, see our guides on Activism in the Time of COVID-19 and Showing Up for Our Communities and Ourselves

Whatever you decide to do, we’d like to see it! Be sure to tag us @AmnestyCanada, using the hashtag #ProtestAtHome

Kim is a Fieldworker and member of the local Amnesty group in Edmonton.