Conquering Mount Kilimanjaro for Human Rights

Adam Jurgens grew up in a home where a passion for human rights thrived. His mother had supported Amnesty International ever since he could remember, and he soon adopted the same passion. So when they both embarked on an adventure to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in June, he took on the challenge of raising money for a cause they both cherished.

























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, Adam had no doubt that with a cause like Amnesty International motivating them to push forward, they would make it to the top of Kilimanjaro! In fact, he did raise $1,600 with the help of generous family and friends.


The journey was not without its challenges and delights. As they went up the mountain, it seemed as though every day they were walking through a different country. Beginning in a lush rainforest, they climbed through tall heather and moorlands, until they eventually come across a high-altitude alpine desert. As they continued up to the summit, where temperatures plummeted to -15C, it was as though they had stepped into the Antarctica.


Their 6-10 hour hikes each day brought lots of physical challenges as a result of the altitude; headaches, sore throats, runny or bleeding noses.  But the most difficult day by far was summit day, when they woke up at midnight and began trekking at 1 am. To reach the summit, they had to trek for 6 hours. As their water bottles turn to ice and dehydration started to set in, they were overwhelmed by a feeling of fatigue and cold that made them want to stop within the first hour. But they trekked on, determined to complete the journey.


Upon reaching the summit, Adam experienced a feeling unlike any other. It was as though he had achieved something so great that could never be taken away from him. The climb down was almost just as arduous, and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was many times more difficult than he had expected.


It was a gruelling 8 days, but the feeling of accomplishment makes every moment of pain worthwhile. Words cannot describe the feeling one gets upon achieving a goal that has been focused on for such a long time.” Adam Jurgens.


Looking for an adventure in support of human rights work?



